Friday, December 2, 2011

Nicci's (Pretend) First Digital Collection

What I do at work is publish digital collections. While I have been working on digital collections for approximately one gozillion years, I published my first ever collection as a project leader back in early November!  So I guess it's not technically my first digital collection, but me and my work pals are still pretty excited about it.  It is called the Alonso S. Perales Photographs and you can click here to see the entire collection. It is a small collection, but it has some really lovely photos of this important leader.

Alonso S. Perales Photographs now available in the Digital Library!

Alonso S. Perales Photographs now available in the Digital Library!

We are in the process of a comprehensive digital library redesign, so the splash pages will change eventually, but for now, you can visit at will.

Perales Collection