I told myself we would have 100% of our Xmas shopping finished by Thanksgiving this year. If I had to venture an estimate, I would say we are finished with about 0% to date. Nevertheless, we did find time to decorate our house for Xmas. Now, I am generally opposed to all holiday decorations. Eddy calls me a scrooge. I prefer to think of myself as clutter averse. However, this year, I consented to two things. A brand new Xmas tree that
the Cobbs gave us for our birthdays.
and two paper stars we picked up in
Chinatown in SF.
Hope you are getting in the holiday spirit. I swear, we will start our holiday shopping. Soon. One of these days.
I'm also at 0%. And, you know, -25% for my Birthday shopping for the year, having forgotten a gift for yours...