Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our Un-Honeymoon

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Just after our whirlwind wedding, Eddy had a conference in Toronto. (Alright, that's why we were headed to the Niagara Falls region to begin with). While, there, we did the usual tourist things. We toured the amazing Steam Whistle Brewery.

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Steam Whistle brews a tasty pilsner and is alternatively fueled, is community minded and lets guests go right down on the floor where they brew and bottle. Eddy even got to blow the steam whistle at the end.

We experienced some of the Toronto art scene in the form of murals,

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the famed Bata Shoe Museum,

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and the Museum of Inuit Art.

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While Eddy amused himself with his conference, I managed to make a pilgrimage to the Hockey Hall of Fame!!

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Everyone knows I can't visit a city without visiting the Zoo.

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But don't worry, we aren't counting this as our honeymoon... I think I finally have Eddy sold on the idea of a bike tour of Italy.


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