Friday, May 14, 2010

International Day

The last day of our glorious vacation, we made an elaborate 5 course Italian meal--one of Eddy's favorite activities.

Antipasti was a caprese. We made the mozzarella from scratch first thing in the morning.

Four Day Weekend!

Four Day Weekend!

Here's the finished product with the obligatory tomatoes and basil:

Four Day Weekend!

Primi was a spinach pasta with buttered mushrooms and Parmesan. We also made the spinach pasta by hand.

Four Day Weekend!

Four Day Weekend!

It gave me Incredible Hulk hands.

Four Day Weekend!

Here's the final result:

Four Day Weekend!

Secondi was a Braciole--a rolled beef filled with provolone, prosciutto, pine nuts and garlic and simmered in tomatoes, red wine and beef stock. For contorni we made zucchini.

Four Day Weekend!

We topped it all off with an almond flavored pudding. The eating extravaganza took place over the course of several hours. In order to space out the courses and gain maximum enjoyment, we watched at least one episode of One Piece between each course. Manga + Italian food = international night!

That's the end of our fabulous four-day weekend! Thanks for joining us!

Nicci Furlough Days

Tandem Day


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