Friday, August 7, 2015

Do You Know the Mushroom Man?

So I got Eddy a book for Christmas last year and it's basically his favorite thing ever.


We found out about it from our friends Jim and Jeanne who live at work at Yosemite right now.


Recently the mushroom man actually gave a talk at Yosemite and we were all going to go, but a sad thing happened and Eddy had to work and it was all very terrible stuff, but when we still thought we were going to be able to make out out there for the talk I did make a quilt for them to, you know, commemorate our fun time together.





So I still sent the quilt along because now it can commemorate other mushroom fun we've had. Like that time we found a tiny fairy mushroom forest in the woods. Or that time they taught us about mushroom man and changed the trajectory of books in our house.


  1. Hehe yay! I didn't tell you, but we have this awesome mushie quilt hanging up in our kitchen. It's perfect! Thanks so much!

  2. Oh, I'm so glad you like it! The kitchen seems like the most perfect place for it!
