Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A New Route

We have a new training route for the MS 150. It's out past Pearland and weaves through some pretty sweet rural Texas sights. There's something interesting every few miles, so here's our first installment.

This is our favorite road sign on the route. Thankfully Nicci + Eddy + tandem weighs considerably less than 17,500 lbs.

2.13.2011 002

A cardboard cutout town complete with horses and buggies:

2.13.2011 005

And next to it, this sign:

2.13.2011 003

Tune in later for more sights from the route.


  1. Bummer. I didn't get to see the Cash For Diabetic Test Strips sign. Maybe next time *sigh*

  2. It's okay. You were probably just distracted by the diorama town.
